In Texas when we hear "illegal immigrants" we invision our niegbooring countries citizens hoping the borderline in sombreros and ponchos with livid contrasting colors and silly stripes. But the fact is its not just Mexico, Paraguy has many illegal immigrants in America as well, one of them is named Augusto Noguera. Augusto was a good family man and radical liberal [like Mr Heape] who had plans to be a representive of his country in America, But now is locked up somewere in Arkansa because he illegal entered America.
In Texas when we hear "illegal immigrants" we invision our niegbooring countries citizens hoping the borderline in sombreros and ponchos with livid contrasting colors and silly stripes. But the fact is its not just Mexico, Paraguy has many illegal immigrants in America as well, one of them is named Augusto Noguera. Augusto was a good family man and radical liberal [like Mr Heape] who had plans to be a representive of his country in America, But now is locked up somewere in Arkansa because he illegal entered America.